Diy · Dresses · Handmade · Sewing

The Simple Shift Dress

First off allow me to begin this post by giving a HUGE thank you to the ladies at the Casual Seamstress! They are sharing their PDF pattern for this sweet little shift dress for free! I am in love with my new dress and this is easily one of my most favorite makes to wear. I downloaded the pattern a few weeks back with no fabric in mind. Then last Wednesday I ran to the fabric store to pick up a couple things for another project I am working on and came across this amazing woodland themed jersey. I knew right then and there I HAD to have it and I made 2 yards of it mine. The fabric is a medium weight perfect for wearing from late summer into fall. Printing and taping together the pattern was simple and straightforward as I have done many PDF patterns. The instructions are pretty minimal as this dress is very simple. I had it cut and sewn in just a few hours especially since jersey is so easy to work with and the edges need no finishing. I just used a small zig-zac stitch to put it all together and then hemmed the sleeves and hemline with the same stitch. The only facing is around the neck and the best thing about this pattern is that you can really do a lot with it. The ladies at the Casual seamstress are always sharing fresh ideas and pattern hacks on their page so be sure to subscribe! As stated on their blog the pattern is very true to size so I actually went up 2 sizes. I didn’t want the dress to be too snug and have a more relaxed fit. I kept the pattern the same with the exception of the scalloped sleeves. I think I will most certainly be trying this dress pattern as a simple top in the near future.DSC_0394 DSC_0402

For the free pattern head over to:

The fabric is covered in adorable woodland flora and fauna including frolicking foxes, owls, dancing does, hedgehogs, fluttering butterflies, squirrels, beautiful birdies, mushrooms and floral bouquets.


Here is a silly photo of me hula-hooping it up at a barbecue! Check out the concentration on my face. Those hips were made for shaking!

Apologies for the dead air around here. I have been sewing lately and I am currently working on a big project which I will hopefully be bringing to you sometime in the beginning of October. It’s a huge project I have been working on for a few months now and will be all finished up soon!

Thank you so much for reading and for all the positive comments!

2 thoughts on “The Simple Shift Dress

  1. Thank you so much for this great review of our pattern! I’m so glad it worked so well for you. And I love seeing tge dress styled with a belt! That fabric is great-my littlest guy LOVES animals and gets so excited when I wear a print with animals, so this would be a huge hit with him.

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