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40 Days & Counting

Well, the countdown keeps ticking and I am now down to 40 days until my big move! I can hear the clock ominously ticking as I do my best to prepare for the big changes ahead. Today I worked on updating and improving my resume as its time to start applying for jobs.  In the mean time I have put together a couple fun dresses!

Remember this crazy fabric??

IMG_7804Yes this girl is wild about this animal print! So much so I pared it with polka dots and then whipped out an awesome and fun caftan! The pattern was a free printable pattern and lets be honest, the instructions were poor! However that did not stop me! My only regret is that I didn’t add pockets!

I made it for a trip to the Missouri Botanical Gardens one of my favorite places to visit! Each summer they host the Whitaker Music Festival! Its a free event and you get to bring friends, a picnic, drinks, and just enjoy music and beautiful plants and people!

The next week I decided I was going again and that yes, I should have another new dress. So, knowing I loved the fit of my Garden Party Dress the last time I made it I decided I should make a summery version! It is amazing how you can really change up a pattern just by changing the material.


IMG_8141If you can ignore my unkept hair and goofy expression! I have yet to get a good photo in this dress because I forgot to take a good photo once we arrived at the gardens. Plus it was so humid that evening I was quite sweaty anyways!

Today while out and about I purchased Vogue 8759 as I really should get around to making the Men’s shirt I promised!



As always comments and questions are always welcome and appreciated! Have a lovely day!



3 thoughts on “40 Days & Counting

  1. I’m just looking at your recent posts and wow. The dog food/water stand was incredible. And the dresses are gorgeous! It was really fun to read some of your posts. We lived in Missouri for about three years when we were newly married, around 2003-2006, I think. Back in Minnesota now, but I loved Missouri’s landscape, the purple tires marking off private property, and the people I met where I lived.

    1. Thank you so much for a wonderful comment! I began writing as a way to find my voice and hopefully inspire others! Positive comments are what keep me going! Missouri is quite an interesting state!

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